
GSS Blog

Apr 18

So our team is proud to report that we made it into the next round of the GreenSpaces Green Business Competition.  We were the 10th quarter finalist to be announced so it was definitely a nail biting experience.

We are lucky to be going back to present next week! Stay tuned to learn more about our progress!

Apr 15


We have been really fortunate to attract a number of entrepreneurs to our company and can’t wait to meet more! Recently, we learned that our friends over at SunShine Suites  (who are giving us free rent), are also helping run NYC ENT to “ strengthen and accelerate the collective entrepreneurial spirit of New York City.

Check it out!

Apr 13

So a few days ago, Iris was able to create the ability for folks to pre-order our sandals from Cambodia. She accomplished this by signing up for the paypal system and we are happy to announce that Stephen P. of Carmel, NY booked a pre-order using this system.

See below for a screenshot. Check out to book your first sandal!


Apr 13

winnieSo we have the pleasure of working with Winnie Ho, formerly from Citigroup. Winnie heard about us from Lisa Tai, one of Stephen’s friends from his work at another nonprofit, and decided to send us an email.

We asked her what she was interested in working on and her answer?

Designing shoes and running contests!

Within two weeks, Winnie designed and launched a shoe contest to source the best shoe designs using techniques of crowdsourcing and launched the first of many contests to make sure our consumers have as much say as they can in the design of our eco-beneficial footwear.


Check out our judging criteria and let us know if you think something should be changed in the rules! Check out the complete rules here: to enter your submission today!

A pool of GreenSoul Shoe buyers, designers and the Board of Directors will judge all entries. The designs will be judged on originality, creativity, attractiveness, artistic merit, inspiration, commercial appeal as they each relate to a Generation Y hipster or LOHAS shoe brand and other factors as determined by the judges.

Design submissions will be evaluated on the following merits:

  1. Practicality: 50%
  2. Creativity: 20%
  3. Effectiveness: 15%
  4. Overall appeal: 15%

Details may be found on the contest website:

Apr 01

We’re written up in today’s blog posting on innovate 2 uplift! Sidney writes,

The Bridgespan Group conducted an extensive study of the leadership requirements of nonprofit organizations [...] to increase the flow of talent into nonprofit leadership, [...] expand the pool of potential leadership talent by considering people outside of the typical nonprofit circle.
